After the installation, execute the following mandatory configuration steps.
The configuration steps are divided in the ones for the management server and the ones for the PLOSSYS 5 server.
Hint - how to change the configuration
In the instructions below, PLOSSYS CLI is used for changing the configuration. You can also use the Consul Web interface.
Configure the OIDC Identity Provider¶
For enabling access to PLOSSYS 5 and PLOSSYS Administrator, change the OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect configuration:
Configure the Management Server¶
On the Management Server, configure the logging and others:
Configure the PLOSSYS 5 Server¶
On the PLOSSYS 5 server, configure the shared replica set in MongoDB, the environment for PLOSSYS Administrator, the connection to the OIDC identity provider and others:
Next Step¶
Continue with: Configure the OIDC Identity Provider